
Frank rules Amsterdam

Today was Queen's Day, the one day a year where people are allowed to sell whatever they want on the street. It is the biggest garage sale in the world, with everything imaginable on display and throngs (throngs!) of people wandering around the streets. There are bands playing in every neighborhood and a veritable sea of orange clothing on men, women, children and the occasional dog. I wandered around from 7:30 this morning (after two hours of sleep) until 6 at night and brought home some real treasures, including a beautiful sterling bracelet, set of knives with Bakelite handles and stand, an English pitcher with a squirrel on it, a brand new pair of Nike sneakers and a doll I have named Frank.

Frank came along with me all day and was the subject of quite the photo essay. Since I wanted to caption the photos, I saved them in Flickr. There are some other photo sets in there as well, if you care to take a look. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Elise said...

I want to pronounce his name in an affected way, like "Frah-nk". Is that wrong of me?