
Before I forget

I was on the train yesterday morning, going to the airport to pick up Nicole, my friend from W+K Portland who is visiting Amsterdam and Paris this week. Across the aisle from my seat were three Dutch men sitting together. They were around my age and were obviously friends by the way they were talking and laughing (the Dutch would be amazing actors in terms of volume and diaphramatic breathing -- they could fill a big room).

About five minutes after we left Central Station, one of the men passed out xeroxed copies of a chess game diagram -- like the daily chess moves in the newspaper, but many of them all on one page -- to great fanfare and excitement. You had to smile because it was so odd and so nice all at the same time.

And now the end of the story. There was a heated discussion at one point (in Dutch), where the vowels got longer and the chins got waggier. When a final point was made that no one could dispute, all three went, "Yeuuuuup. Yeuuuuup. Yeuuuuup. Yeup. Yeup. Yeup," exactly like the Yip Yip puppets from Sesame Street. Inside, I was in hysterics.

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