
The Dom DeLuise Effect

Combined brilliance from Joshua, Steven and Holly on a Saturday night:

DDLE (Dom DeLuise Effect) is a visual effect that works on our society's standards much like the Doppler Effect works on sound, changing the way we view Fat People. For instance - viewing Cannonball Run in the '80's, we all considered Dom to be obese. But now, 30 years later, in our mind's eye we remember him being obese, but viewed with the modern (read more) Fat People Standard (FPS), he's not even 'Fat-fat'. He's just 'Normal (Fat)'. As proof, DDLE also works on other stars in the past - for instance, seeing John Candy star as 'Ox' in Stripes - not 'Fat-fat', just 'Normal (Fat)' - but we all remember him as being obese.

I am in awe of their collective awesomeness.

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