
Rolling with the Ruskies

Hurghada, Egypt: day 2
Checklist of things seen today at resort filled with 80 percent Russians:
- Mesh top on round man
- Plethora of sparkle on every possible piece of clothing
- Men who look suspiciously like Putin
- Teenage girls who look suspiciously like Ivanka Trump
- Leopard print banana hammock highlighting a very pink and fairly large bum
- Grandma in floor length paisley caftan and babushka. I almost rolled her for the outfit
- young son of banana hammock with Kagol hat, gold chain and shoulder tattoo. He was maybe 7 years old.

The best people watching ever! Food good. Hotel good. Company beyond fabulous. Sun present and accounted for. I swam in the Red Sea today and thought of Moses. All is good.

1 comment:

Amy Taramasso said...

Sounds completely delicious. Here we are merely getting daffodils and tiny buds on the cherry trees. Have a wonderful time! We'll keep longing for sun...