

Yesterday was a company party, so the entire office spent the day at a lake about an hour and a half outside of Amsterdam. It was a beautiful, hot day with swimming, jet skiing (with excellent instruction - I went around the loop once, decided that was enough excitement, promptly fell into the water and floated around for five minutes while the rest of my group kept going -- it was great) and most exciting, a zip line that went from a VERY TALL tower, over the water and to the shore on the other side. I overcame my fear of heights and forced myself to do it. When I got to the end, I kept yelling, "I did it! I did it! I did it!" Very cool.

After the day of activities (we couldn't drink if we wanted to do them), we had cocktails and a DJ and a samba band and a bon fire and dinner and hot tubs and hair and make up people and lots and lots of dancing. It was amazing.

Here is a photo of me watching the sun go down over the lake from the top deck of the fake pirate ship they had moored to the dock. Forgive the purple drag shadow on my half-mast eyes. I was clearly under the influence of flight.

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